Back in the beginning of 2013 there was an international Malifaux
campaign called Dead of Winter. Players anywhere could submit the results of
their games and achievements and the results would be tallied. I was finishing
up a work project in Nigeria at the time so I could not participate as there
was no local gaming community. I am an Arcanist player so I was obviously
cheering for them. The characters participating in the story were introduced at
the beginning. I don’t recall of the details, but they were out in the
wilderness investigating some powerful magical forces. Pieter, the Arcanist had
definite potential and many were hoping he was introduced at the new Arcanist
master in M2E. It was not to be though, as it was an Outcast victory, with Resurrectionists
in second.
The characters were descending upon a cave where the magic
seemed to be emanating from. Tara, a self-determined and headstrong mercenary was
the first to enter the cave. There she met Obliteration, some form of Tyrant
that sucked the life from the world. She survived the meeting and rescued Karina
from the Labyrinth, an alternate dimension where time passes differently, died
and was resurrected by Karina. She now has a connection to Obliteration that
allows the Nothing Beast to exist in Malifaux as personification of
Obliteration itself.
I was hooked. I loved this sarcastic, gun-slinging, fast
talking and dangerous lady called Tara.
So when the opportunity to pick up her nightmare (and only)
set from Gencon, I jumped at the chance. And then she sat amongst my other
models unassembled for some time. Now that I have her on the table I need to
figure out how to get her to work.